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Glodon Co., Ltd.

Glodon Co., Ltd.

Aug 03.2023

The Importance of Data in Construction: Unlocking Efficiency and Productivity

It's becoming increasingly apparent that data and analytics are transforming industries faster and faster. According to a McKinsey Global Survey in 2022, 9 out of 10 C-level and senior leaders say their organisations have undertaken at least one large-scale digital transformation in the last two years.

The construction industry is no exception. A paradigm shift has in fact taken place.

In the past, construction project management relied heavily on manual processes and fragmented information, resulting in inefficiencies, delays, and cost overruns. With the advent of data-driven technology, the has also witnessed a shift. From the planning phase to the execution phase and post-construction phase, construction companies now have access to vast amounts of digital data generated throughout the project lifecycle, unlocking new possibilities for new levels of efficiency and productivity by leveraging data analytics and advanced technology solutions.

The Transformative Power of Data in Construction

As a result of the adoption of data-driven construction management solutions, construction managers can unlock a wide range of productivity and efficiency gains.

Improved Decision-making: Data analytics provides construction professionals with valuable insights for informed decision-making. Project managers can make proactive decisions that optimise project outcomes by analysing historical project data, identifying trends, and assessing risks.

Streamlined Project Planning: Accurate estimation, resource allocation, and scheduling are essential for successful project planning. Leveraging data analytics tools allows construction companies to analyse historical data, identify patterns, and optimise project timelines, leading to improved cost management.

Enhanced Collaboration and Communication:  Data-driven solutions enable real-time data sharing and collaboration across project stakeholders. This transparency facilitates effective communication, minimises delays, and resolves conflicts promptly, enhancing overall project efficiency.

Accurate Project Tracking and Reporting: Data analytics empowers construction professionals to monitor critical project parameters such as costs, timelines, and quality metrics in real time. Project managers can identify deviations, implement necessary changes, and ensure timely project completion by analysing data.

Proactive Risk Management:  Data analytics facilitates the identification and analysis of safety incidents, near-misses, and hazards, enabling construction companies to mitigate risks and create safer working environments proactively.

How to Properly Manage Data in Your Project: The management of project data can be a challenging task. Here are some recommendations based on experience from over 90,000 projects adopting Glodon's construction management solutions worldwide.

Establish Data Collection Processes: Develop standardised data collection processes across projects to ensure consistent and reliable data. Utilise digital tools such as project management software, sensors, and mobile applications to capture relevant data points effectively.

Invest in Construction Management Software: Implement robust construction management software like Glodon Gsite 2.0 that integrates data analytics capabilities. Such software can centralise project data, facilitate real-time collaboration, and provide data-driven insights for decision-making.

Utilise Historical Data for Estimation: Analyse historical project data to inform accurate estimation. Identify patterns and trends to improve cost estimates, resource allocation, and project timelines. Leverage historical data to create reliable benchmarks for future projects.

Foster Collaboration and Communication: Utilise construction management software with data sharing and collaboration features to facilitate seamless communication among project stakeholders. Real-time access to the project documentation, progress reports, and updates enhances transparency and minimises delays.

Continuously Improve Processes: Regularly analyse project data to identify areas for improvement. Leverage data analytics to evaluate project performance, identify bottlenecks, and implement process enhancements. Foster a culture of learning and continuous improvement based on data-driven insights. 

Glodon Gsite 2.0 provides an advanced visual foundation that simplifies coordination and communication, minimising costs and saving valuable time. This next-generation platform encompasses a host of enhancements and new workflows, seamlessly connecting BIM models, drawings, and locations with those in the field. Enhanced design document management and streamlined collaboration processes improve productivity and accountability and provide real-time insights into the project's health. Click here to learn more.