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An Interactive and Integrated Construction Management Platform for Contractors

Gsite is an interactive and integrated project management platform based on the digital twin concept, promoting robust control at the company level and cost savings at the project level by streamlining and automating the project management process.

  • All In One Platform

    Gsite strives to build an ecosystem that contains everything you need in project management. Unlike those point solutions in the software market, Gsite provides a comprehensive digital construction solution that helps tackle management difficulties at both the company and the project levels. Essentially, Gsite contains four basic modules that aim to raise work efficiency and reduce project cost: Quality Management, Safety Management, Document Management, and Progress Management.


  • Promote Cost Savings In Project

    Reduce Risk
    Gsite reduces your overall safety risks through a closed-loop management workflow. It guarantees all spotted risks, issues, and errors are dealt with within the required period through in-time notifications on unfinished tasks, avoiding consequences caused by neglect. All task histories are well recorded with the responsible personnel, vastly increasing accountability.

    Enhance Cost Control
    All the management records are well stored in the cloud, equipping you with the necessary materials for external inspections. These records can also protect you when it comes to the dispute under circumstances of casualties, reducing financial risks. Additionally, Gsite provides insights on daily labour input. It allows the project manager to make the in-time and scientific adjustment, significantly saving the workforce and reducing labour costs.

    Increase Work Efficiency
    Integrated with BIM model, instant messaging, cloud technologies, the workflows are streamlined and standardized. Moreover, all modules in Gsite are interoperable, meaning that the data is interconnected and channeled. Therefore, the site team can work more efficiently and productively.


  • Promote Robust Control In Company

    Strengthen Project Supervision
    At the company level, the project director can easily monitor the performance of all projects with diagrams that summarize vital real-time data. Plus, Standard Center establishes a database of the unified checklist standards that every project can use, increasing company control ability.

    Provide Efficient Data Analysis
    The company dashboard provides visualized illustrations of important data such as the most frequently occurring quality and safety issues, the severity distribution, the responsible sub-contractors, and their issue rectification performance.

    Enable Timely and Accurate Decision
    With access to the latest data anytime and anywhere, the project director can make timely and accurate decisions to allocate resources to projects and to make adjustments.


  • Simple And Easy To Use

    Gsite is intuitively designed, keeping user-friendliness at heart. Based on our past experiences, all project members can get hands-on ability on main functions within 2-3 hours of training.


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